Practice and Patients' Agreement
The Medical Practice
- Patients will be treated with courtesy, respect and confidentiality
- Urgent problems will be seen on the same day by whichever doctor is available
- The practice will try to reduce the wait for routine appointments
- We will ensure the practice is fully accessible to the disabled
- Whenever possible you will be offered an appointment with the doctor of your choice for routine appointments
- You will be seen as near to your appointment time as is possible
- You will be given an explanation if waiting times are running late
- The practice will inform you of the service it provides, how you can access them and information to help you be healthy
- Advice will be given and/or medication prescribed as required
- The doctor is here to give you treatment and advice; it is important that you understand the information that is given to you. If you are unsure about your treatment please ask for more information
- Patients have a responsibility to treat our practice staff with due courtesy and respect
- All appointments are arranged to cover one consultation. Please make a separate appointment for each person who needs to see the doctor
- Only request an urgent appointment when you feel it is medically necessary
- If you cannot keep your appointment please let us know as far in advance as possible so someone else may be offered that appointment
- Please try to be flexible in requesting your appointment to allow yourself to see the doctor of your choice
- Routine appointments are booked at 10-minute intervals.
- Please do not ask for a home visit unless it is absolutely necessary. It is better to come to the surgery where all the facilities are available and treatment can be started immediately if required
- Please do not call the out-of-hours service except in an emergency
- Please tell the receptionist if you change your name, address or telephone number
Zero Tolerance Policy
The doctors and staff work very hard to provide high quality care for our patients. They must be able to deliver this in a safe environment. A practice policy is in place: where a patient is abusive or uses violent behaviour, whether on the premises or externally, towards a member of the Primary Health Care Team, they will be removed from the practice list. Future medical treatment will be carried out by a practitioner contracted by the Board at premises provided by the Dalriada Urgent Care Service.
Medical Records & Freedom Of Information
A notice fully explaining the use of patient information can be seen on the notice board in the waiting area. Steps are taken to ensure information for research or statistics does not identify patients. We recognise the Freedom of Information Act 2002 and, if required, information on this issue can be obtained from the practice manager.
The practice has a policy of identifying carer's in the community and will endeavour to provide information and support to those categorised as such and undertake onward referral to Social Services where necessary. Also see our section on Learning Disabilities. If you have recently acquired a Carer or the details we hold on your record have changed in any way, please let us know.
Further information for carer's is available at:
Carer's National Association, Northern Ireland Regional Office, 11 Lower Crescent, Belfast BT7 1NR