Register Now for Online Access!! Please Telephone, Email or Visit the practice to receive your online registration details.
>>> Register for online access here <<<
The Broughshane Medical Practice website provides many online facilities including prescription ordering, appointment booking and cancellation. It also contains a vast range of health information and resources, along with practical information on visiting the surgery. We hope you find it useful and informative.
How To Contact Us
Broughshane Medical Practice
76 Main Street
BT42 4JA
Tel: 028 2586 1214
Fax: 028 25862281
Email: reception.z00317@gp.hscni.net
The practice uses an auto-attendant system to streamline calls and ensure urgent access is available at all times. Please use:
Option 1 for End of Life care
Option 2 for appointments, to arrange home visits and to speak to doctor
Option 3 to order a prescription, or call the prescription line on 028 25862611
Option 4 for all other enquiries or to speak to a member of staff
If you have a critical medical emergency dial 999
We are Online 24/7
The practice has a facility for online access whereby patients can directly book appointments for the doctor online and request repeat prescriptions. Please enquire at reception if you wish to register for this service. This does not include email requests for medication or enquiries about your care. Please do not email the practice. Travel Risk assessment forms can be downloaded prior to attending the travel clinic for vaccinations.
Download or view the GDPR Practice Privacy Notice (DOCX, 22KB).
Choose Well
If you become unwell or are injured, make sure you choose the right NHS service to make sure that you get the best treatment.